
On 1st January 2017, Luxembourg had 590,667 inhabitants, 48% of whom were non-Luxembourgers. Compared to the previous year, the population increased by 11,159 people, thanks to positive net migration (arrivals – departures) of 9,446 people and a positive natural balance (births – deaths) of 2,083 people. With 48% foreign nationals of some 170 different nationalities, the Grand Duchy has the highest ratio of foreign nationals in its population of all the OECD countries.

A large majority of these foreign nationals come from the rest of the European Union. According to the Statec study, there are 240,290 EU nationals and they thus make up 85.4% of the 281,497 foreign residents. The three communities most represented are the Portuguese (16.4% of the total population), then the French (7.5%) and the Italians (3.6%).

- written by the editorial team of the portal / Source: STATEC, 'Regards' No 09/2017 - 

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