
The platform, which functions like an evolving directory with a secure access for users, aims to collect all information regarding the production and supply of the following personal protective equipment (PPE):

  • Surgical masks and FFP2-type masks
  • Non-certified protective masks
  • Visors Plastic protective screens
  • Aprons
  • Disinfectants

Information is available about raw materials, finished and semi-finished products, as well as skills and services.

In the “Supply” section, self-employed professionals, artisans, SMEs, large enterprises and research institutes will be able to submit and display their offers.

In the “Request” section, Luxembourg municipalities, associations, administrations and public institutions, as well as companies and professionals with requests will be able to post their specific needs for personal protective equipment.

Companies producing protective equipment will also be able to launch “calls for proposals” in order to inform potential customers of all the parameters of their production capacities.

The matching between supply and demand will be managed directly between the partners upon common agreement, outside the platform.

The platform has been set up by Luxinnovation under the aegis of the government in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, with support from the Fédération des Artisans, FEDIL, the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Skilled Trades and the Confédération luxembourgeoise du Commerce.


Note: the platform is no longer available since the 31 December 2020. 


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